Sunday, May 22, 2011

Letting Loose

I have discovered that there are very few moments in my life when I can say that I am completely relaxed. Most of the time when I try to forget about everything that is going on in my life I end up worrying more about something slipping my mind. This weekend I had the opportunity to turn off my commitments and just enjoy being a 20 year old sorority girl. Are there things that I should of taken care of? Yes, but I am learning that people understand. It might hurt me in the long run but right now I have to make myself believe that in the end as long as I am keeping up, people will understand.

This weekend, I finally lived like most 20 year olds. I had friends spend the weekend at my house, staying up until 3 a.m. watching chick flicks and talking about random topics. I got to attend my first wedding for a sorority sister and just enjoyed the evening with all the girls who I have come to love the last two years. The most surprising thing to me is how much you can relax while dancing to some of the best music at a wedding. I love when a couple finds a great DJ for their wedding because it makes the whole atmosphere so much more inviting and relaxed (if I can't use that word enough haha). It is surprising to me that I am coming back to music (I wrote about it in a previous post) because it wasn't until this year that I really discovered my passion for it.

Last night at the wedding reception, I let loose! I let myself dance to all those songs that the DJ was spinning and I realized that by being rigid, I am missing out on an experience. As one of my sorority sisters said, "everyone underestimates you". I am always the responsible one and it takes a lot for me to just give in. I am coming to believe that some people think that I can't have fun. I am here to admit that is completely untrue. Am I self conscious about breaking out of my shell? Yeah but I have come to believe that most people are self conscious about a few things. The benefits of breaking out of my shell and just letting loose far outweigh the cost of trying to follow my own personal rule book. And guess what? It's my own rule book, so I can say that rules are meant to be broken and things can change.

I am making an oath to try to let loose more often in the next few months. I am more conscious of how outside activities can effect my academic life, so I will have more of a handle on making sure that I make myself happy in my academic endeavors but I also realize that making yourself happy in all endeavors can be the best thing you can do for yourself. All of these thoughts were validated today when I realized that not allowing yourself to let loose can lead to much worse outcomes than any consequences that might come from not responding to an email within 24 hours. I am glad I got to enjoy this weekend :) I can't wait until the next time that I absolutely "let loose" and enjoy all the little things that life has to offer.

Delta Gamma Girls

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